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Chat BOT

“It takes a small bit to lose a customer and a small bot to save them…!”

I completely agree with this. Including a chatbot on our e-commerce website inspired me to learn more about the importance of chatbots.


A chatbot is an automated conversation partner. It initiates and facilitates a conversation between a human and a computer. A chatbot is a computer application that responds automatically whenever a text or a message is sent by a user, client or customer.


It uses technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) or natural language processing (NLP). The communication can be in the form of a chat interface or via voice. The chatbot analyses the questions or inquiries asked by the user and provides a solution for it. It will behave as a conversational partner too.


There are many types of chatbots. Chatbots are rule-based, AI-based, keyword recognition-based. Most of the chatbots are designed by any one of the following methods :

  • Pattern matching: The pattern matching method is used to make chatbots, classify the text sent by the user, analyze it, and reply with a suitable solution or a response based on the keyword they see. The standard structure of these patterns is Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML). The chatbots made by using this method react to anything that matches the pattern, but they cannot go past the related pattern.
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU): NLU method converts the text sent by the user into structured data to understand the input given by the user.
  • Natural language processing (NLP): NLP chatbots convert the user’s input text or speech into structured data, which is used to find a relevant answer.

The pandemic has undoubtedly transformed consumer behaviour, setting into place and accelerating trends that are likely to stick around. Three-quarters of consumers tried new shopping behaviours during the pandemic, according to a McKinsey report. Nearly 40% abandoned trusted, known brands in favour of those offering better convenience and value. Since there is a tremendous rise in eCommerce and Social Commerce and catering to customers has become challenging for businesses, so, more and more businesses are implementing chatbots every day. This is a good thing because it adds value for your customers and your business.

You can increase your current numbers by improving your customer support and reducing the overall turnaround time your customer support team spends on your users.

With the deployment of a bot, you can fairly reduce the operational and manual costs. You can increase your revenue and profit numbers by answering to more users and converting them to paying customers.
An eCommerce bot will help you in achieving more business outreach. And since an eCommerce brand is not limited to any location, so you can easily expand your business overseas without worrying about the support.
A bot is capable enough to answer any number of users at any given time. And it can answer any kind of customer queries related to the business.

You can offer the best 24/7 customer service with chatbots.

  • The chatbot allows for real-time conversation with instant answers to customer queries.
  • The bot will gather customer insights at no extra cost to the business.
  • Bots handle queries From email to SMS, seamlessly integrating all your customer experiences across your teams with an omnichannel platform.
  • The cost involved in setting up a customer support team is much higher as compared to a chatbot. You can reduce the customer support expense and can help in generating revenue.

Chatbots have become an important part of our life. They have proved beneficial for many businesses in almost all industries ranging from service providers, e-commerce, manufacturing industries, banking and finance, hospitality, education, etc;

Though this is an investment, Businesses and companies should incorporate a chatbot into their resources. Not only would this keep companies up-to-date with technology, it would also help their customers/clients. As we all know customers/clients are the reason that a business exists. Enabling a better customer experience is to keep that heart pumping.

To know more about how chatbots can change customer experience or implement one in your business contact the proficient team at Customer Experience Lab or email them at : [email protected]

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